Oral Surgery for Dentures

Oral Surgery for Dentures

Getting dentures may seem like it is a simple process - take an impression and get some artificial teeth, right? Actually, there are many steps involved in getting fitted for dentures, potentially including oral surgery. 

So, why such a thorough fitting process? Well, wearing dentures is much different than your natural teeth. And your dental professional will want to take every step imaginable to ensure that you have the most successful - and most comfortable - experience with your new dentures. 

Let’s take a look at some of the preprosthetic oral surgeries for dentures you may need. 

Dental Implant Supported Dentures

Dental implant-supported dentures, both full and partial, require an artificial root to be fused with the bone. This means you have to have a strong jaw bone with good bone density. Any procedures such as bone grafting or extractions necessary for the dental implants can be handled ahead of time. 

Those who have invested in these dentures often have highly successful, long-lasting results. 

Tooth Extractions

Having some healthy teeth may give you the option of partial dentures whereas no teeth will result in a full set of dentures. Either way, whether you are getting partial dentures or full dentures, any teeth that are decayed or broken will need to be extracted before you can move forward. And for teeth that have been broken down to the gum line, the remaining pieces will need to be removed. Extractions can give your oral health an added boost. 

An Alveoloplasty

Alveoloplasty is an oral surgery that gets its name because it involves smoothing out the alveolar bone. This jaw bone holds your tooth sockets. Having so many teeth removed to make way for the dentures can leave the bone slightly rigid. As a result, dentures may not fit as snugly as they should and the ridges could lead to some discomfort. 

In order to have dentures with the perfect fit, your alveolar bone needs to have an even height, width, and shape. If this is not the case, your dental team may recommend an alveoloplasty. 

A Gingivectomy

Just as gums play a big role in supporting teeth, they do the same for dentures. So having gum tissue that is diseased, folded, or loose from the bone can impact your ability to thrive in dentures. Gingivitis and gum disease can pose a real threat to your oral health, allowing bacteria to build up and bone structure to be destroyed.

With a gingivectomy prior to getting dentures, any extra gum tissue or diseased tissue can be removed. This will make wearing your dentures much more comfortable and can keep your gums free from infection and swelling. 

Tori Removal

Some patients have bony protrusions that stick out from the mandibular bone. Using dentures without addressing the tori growth can be very painful. That’s why if you are seeking a prosthetic, you may find yourself faced with oral surgery for tori removal. 

The ridges of the tori can be caused by different things such as bruxism, vitamin deficiencies, environmental factors, genetics, or calcium buildup. And they may not be too bothersome until the patient seeks dentures - whether full or partial. Having them removed prior to moving forward with dentures can leave you with well-fitting, comfortable dentures. 

The Pre-prosthetic Oral Surgery You Need

The surgical staff at New Jersey Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery are experts in oral surgery for dentures. If you would like to learn more or schedule a consultation, contact us at one of our convenient locations: 

Hackensack Office 201-342-7353
North Bergen Office 201-867-0404
Ridgefield Office 201-941-9494

Or, request an appointment online.